Sunday, December 29, 2019

Aku in Translation

The Japanese word aku, pronounced ah-koo, is a commonly-used word translated to mean to open, to begin, or to become vacant. Japanese Characters 㠁‚㠁  Example Kono seki wa aite imasu ka.㠁“㠁 ®Ã¥ ¸ ­Ã£  ¯Ã§ © ºÃ£ â€žÃ£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€š Translation:  Is this seat taken?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Julius Caesar in the Roman Empire - 1345 Words

Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus Junius Brutus, and Marcus Antonius were three key factors during the time of Julius Caesar in the Roman Empire. Cassius and Brutus were the two main conspirators against Caesar, and Brutus was even the one who assassinated him. Unlike the two of them, Marcus Antonius, Mark Antony, was one of Caesar’s right hand men and won many battles for him, including one against Cassius. While Brutus and Cassius were at the head of the freight train that was headed for Caesar, Antony stood firm, however helpless it seemed, with Caesar until they failed on March 15, 44 BC when Caesar was killed. The exact date of the birth of Gaius Cassius Longinus is unknown, but it was before 85 BC, so little is known of his early life.†¦show more content†¦Since Brutus’ mother was now Caesar’s lover, he was released from captivity and became a member of the senior priesthood of the pontifices. From 47 to 45, he governed Cisalpine Gaul (now northern Italy) for Caesar ( Caesar appointed him as praetor of the city along with Gaius Cassius Longinus and named, in advance, them as consuls of 41. After Cato died in 46, Brutus married Porcia, Cato’s daughter. For all of Brutus’ life, he felt optimistic about Caesar’s plans but was flabbergasted when â€Å"Caesar made himself perpetual dictator and was deified† as best stated by Always conscious of his descent from Lucius Junius Brutus, who was said to have driven the Etruscan kings from Rome, Brutus joined Cassius and other leading senators in the plot that led to the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC ( Brutus and Cassius were then forced to leave Rome by the people but remained in Italy until Mark Antony kicked the out. The two traveled to Greece where they were assigned provinces in the east by the senate. Slowly they took over all of the land east of Rome (that means the armies and the treasuries). Brutus took all of the wealth he had and turned it into Roman gold/silver coins which he imprinted his face on. In the latter half of 42 BC, Brutus and Cassius fought Mark Antony and Octavian (later emperor Augustus) in two battles near Philippi, Greece. Cassius had his freedman killShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar : The Roman Empire1037 Words   |  5 PagesJulius Caesar was one of the best leaders to originate from the Roman Empire era. Throughout Caesar’s life, he has had so many achievements with the Roman Empire. And With all his actions from his life, He helped form the Roman Empire after his death in March 15, 44 B.C. Unlike most Romans, Julius Caesar knew that money was the way into Roman Politics because the Roman Political systems was longed corrupt before Julius Caesar came around. At the age of 19 Caesar left RomeRead MoreJulius Caesar: Conqueror, General, Builder, Dictator for Life755 Words   |  4 Pages Julius Caesar, an important figure in Roman history, lived during the end of the Roman Republic. His actions would shape the world around him forever. He was an important figure because he grew the Roman Empire, he brought about the end of the Roman Republic , and was able to grow his status within his lifetime and become dictator for life. Julius Caesar was born on July 12 , 100 BC and died on March 15, 44 BC. Caesar was born into a patrician family. This meant that they were noble andRead MoreEssay on Julius Caesar and The Late Roman Republic729 Words   |  3 PagesJulius Caesar was a general and a politician of the late Roman Republic. He greatly influenced the size of the Roman Empire before seizing power and making himself dictator of Rome, which paved the way for the Imperial system. (Julius Caesar 100BC-44BC, April 29th, 2014) Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus was born on July 12th or 13th, 100BC into the prestigious Julius clan. He and his family were closely related to the Marion faction in Roman politics. Caesar started to progress within theRead MoreA Comparative Analysis of Julius Caesar and Augustus789 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Comparing Julius Caesar with Augustus Introduction. This paper offers background into the life and times of Julius Caesar and Augustus. It also compares and contrasts the two mens positions and accomplishments in the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar According to journalist N.S. Gill, writing in the New York Times affiliate publication,, Julius Caesar was perhaps †¦the greatest man of all times. 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(Julius Caesar Biography, April 23, 2014) Although Caesar’s birth was never con firmed on the exact date, he was born and raised by his mother, Aurelia, and by his fatherRead MoreJulius Caesar in Rome1222 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Roman republic was going to transform later on by the acts of a famous general, statesman, and dictator. He would be the one to side against the upper class and change the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Around 100 BC, Aurelia and Gaius Caesar gave birth to a son by the name of Gaius Julius Caesar (McManus, n.d). He was born into a moral upper class family during the perilous times of Rome, when the city was not able to handle its own extent and authority. At the age of 18, Julius Caesar

Friday, December 13, 2019

Expedia Market Research Free Essays

I’d recommend Expedite to give me some kind of suggestion on what we could write about because l, personally, had a hard time reminding myself what to write in this section. The last part of this survey Is called Add the Finishing Touches†, which is another qualitative part of this survey. This is my favorite part of the survey because It asks me very specific questions, for example, what were you favorite and least favorite things about the hotel? It really gives me the chance to express both my strongest positive and negative opinions regarding my stay in the hotel. We will write a custom essay sample on Expedia Market Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now This survey Isn’t too short or long, and I feel like this is a good length for a survey especially when It Is divided Into 3 parts, which somehow make me feel like there are not as many questions as it appears to have. Also, the questions were worded clearly In the more specific questions, and the general questions also give me a chance to put open- ended feedbacks. Another thing I really like about this survey Is that a lot of parts of It Is stated as â€Å"optional†, so I can Just fill out the parts that I wish to, and still be able to submit It online, while some other surveys often require me to fill out the whole thing even when I don’t have much feedback for certain section. Personally, I was really motivated to complete this survey for two mall reasons. First, I am the kind of person that really go through a lot f reviews on hotel website before deciding on which hotel to book, and customer reviews are generally my mall decision factor on booking hotels. Second, I had a very strong negative opinion regarding my hotel stay. With the lack of rewards Involved, I would assume people who don’t put much emphasis on reading reviews or don’t have a strong feeling, either positive or negative, on their hotel stay experience won’t be motivated to complete this survey. I would recommend Expedite to add In some kind of reward In the completion of this survey, for example, to have a chance to win Expedite credit If one completes this survey. Expedite Market Research By ruby reminding myself what to write in this section. The last part of this survey is called my favorite part of the survey because it asks me very specific questions, for example, stay in the hotel. This survey isn’t too short or long, and I feel like this is a good length for a survey especially when it is divided into 3 parts, which somehow make questions were worded clearly in the more specific questions, and the general like about this survey is that a lot of parts of it is stated as â€Å"optional†, so I can Just fill out the parts that I wish to, and still be able to submit it online, while some other river for two main reasons. First, I am the kind of person that really go through a lot reviews are generally my main decision factor on booking hotels. Second, I had a very strong negative opinion regarding my hotel stay. With the lack of rewards involved, I would assume people who don’t put much emphasis on reading reviews or don’t have a strong feeling, either positive or negative, on their hotel stay experience won’t be motivated to complete this survey. I would recommend Expedite to add in some kind of reward in the completion of this survey, for example, to have a chance to win Expedite credit if one completes this survey. How to cite Expedia Market Research, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Models for Managing Complex Projectsâ€Free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss About the Models for Managing Complex Projects? Answer: Introduction The project for learning is depicted to be based on the methods that are being provided to the student for the purpose of gaining knowledge and also the extension of the period of the time is being made for showing the appropriate investigation of the challenges and the complex problems engaged in the project. It provides benefits to the students for the purpose of exhibiting betterment of the usage and the explanation of the task is being done by illustrating the enhancement of the job (Anil Kumar and Suresh, 2008). The benefits are provided by exhibiting the improvement of the work which is being made by showing the teaching method and also the student is enabled of showing the appropriate complex problems and also the enhancement of the work. Thus the complex problems can be simply depicted by screening the suitable work which is being used for displaying the adequate improvement of the job. It also helps in enabling the suitable construction of the job that explains the fruitful outcomes of the project. Summary of the case The case study of the Concorde project is depicted to be conceiving the technological advancement which is being made by showing the provision of the European Aircraft Industry and also it is depicted as holding the leading position in the European Trade. It clearly displays the suitable enhancement of the position by displaying the appropriate development of the industry and also the enhancement of the job is being done by displaying the improvement in the techniques used for the manufacturing of the aircraft. The costs regarding the development of the supersonic transport are illustrates as the great achievement which is being made by the help if the financial resources of the industry and also the government funding is being made to this industry (Ansoff, 2014). The French and the British governments funding are being made by displaying the right construction of the business. The collaborative project is being prepared by displaying the improvement of the joint project which is be ing made by displaying the appropriate processes. The appropriate execution of the project is being made with confidence, and also the designing ability is being described by showing the national plans and the ambitions of the politicians. Therefore, it can be easily indicated that the inefficient committee structure and the inappropriate contracts and the controls with the excessive usage of the inappropriate contracting are being made by showing the excessive advances is depicted to be showing the challenges that are faced by this industry. These forms are characterized by illustrating the unattractive base and also for this reason; the environment is depicted to be suffering from the challenges (Appannaiah and Reddy, 2010). Though the unattractive base is being depicted as the form of the structure, the unattractive base is illustrated as the reason for showing the succeed producing in the base which is also showing the skillful financial maneuvering. Also, it is being made by showing the skillful financial objectives which are being made by showing the enhancement of the operation. Therefore the Concorde is illustrated as the new thriving commercial European aircraft which is involved in the manufacturing process and also it is showing the uniqueness in the skies with showing the skillful financial growth in the industry (Campbell, 2014). Due to the ineffective management of the contract and the management systems, the effectiveness can be easily determined by showing the contracts and the management systems. The influence can be easily shown by illustrating the controversial enhancements which are going to be having a successful project in the industry. Therefore, the structure of the work can be simp ly described by displaying the enhancement in the industry and also the involvement of the reliability is depicted as the irregular scheduling of the services (Cooke and Tate, 2011). This shows the wide spreading of the effects that are generated due to the cause of the services which are unusually recorded in this case. This represents the overall case study which is being represented in the form of the summary. Models for managing complex projects Project complexity- features and challenges The project complexity is being depicted as the form of the challenges that are faced by the Concorde is illustrating the unattractive base for aircraft manufacturing, inefficient management of the committee structure, the inappropriate financial maneuvering and the inappropriate operations involved in this case are reflecting the project complexities and the features that are creating a challenging situation for the Concorde (Heerkens, 2015). The 8-features model The eight features model which can be easily described in this case of Concorde is described in the following ways which are as follows:- Equal sharing of the responsibilities Equal sharing of the costs coverings for the developments and the production. Approval of the inert company agreements and also the airframes. The medium and the long range of the aircraft A Steering of the committee officials of the two company Consisting of the appropriate version showing the medium and the low range versions Aerodynamic system which the strengths and the aero-elasticity Weight with the center of gravity and the structures with the systems. The Cynefin model Most trend-setters are working in and positively that are significant enough to be more comfortable with the requested areas, for "self-evident" developments that expand, upgrade or advance their services and the products. Similarly, they comprehend their more practices place and commitment to develop in their solace, in the part they play in the more "complicated" space, where ability, committed concentration and specialization are regularly required or called upon (Justin, 2016). The genuine difficulties originate from the truly "new" in advancement as it ends up plainly more noteworthy in new plans, evolving usefulness, diverse innovation or huge enhancements on the current that included more prominent innovative work the more you go around the cynefin framework. Here inside this "requested" space, the development exercises are significantly more unsurprising, clearer in their management. This is more about being prepared, utilizing mastery where required, applying abilities, settling on proper choices, having set up structures, procedures and estimations and after that efficiently working towards clear goals (Krajewski and Ritzman, 2005). When you move crosswise over into the "complex" or even "chaotic" spaces goes up against much more new adapting, more situational appraisals, looking and consolidating abilities to oversee developing examples and learning, applying encounters, searching for differing qualities of sentiments and hunting down new astuteness or bits of knowledge. Skill and experience, coordinated effort and connections require fundamentally utilizing. It frequently separates/unites continually as the work through the potential answers. The mentality here is distinctive, and it is more one that depends on location. Advancement is significantly additionally requesting, pushing outskirts, investigating disclosures, managing in a progression of trades and perceiving developing examples to sort out as real 'new to the world' development exercises (Lientz, 2011). This model is being used for describing the characteristics of the complexities which is being faced by the Concorde, and also the management of the challenges and the complexities are also appropriately pointed out by showing the appropriate management of the issues. Implementation of Complex projects Change management processes The change management process is the combining of phases or exercises that a change management team or scheme creator take after to implement change management to a modification so as to drive single changes and assurance the scheme meets its expected outcomes. Assessments are plans used by a change management team or venture developer to assess the association's availability to alteration. Availability assessments can incorporate hierarchical assessments, culture and history of assessments, demonstrative evaluations, provision appraisals and change assessments (Lock, 2013). Each device gives the venture team knowledge of the problems and openings they may meet amongst the change process. The change management process is being undertaken in the case of the Concorde which is being illustrated by showing the enhancement of the study. It also explains the appropriate characteristics for showing the explanation for the purpose of mitigating the issues. The appropriate management system can also be established by showing the enhancement of the work. Power assisted project management Managing influencing stakeholders Before preparation to draw in and influence partners, it's crucial to initial look to realize to assurance the expected communication is understood and the coveted reaction accomplished. Ask the accurate inquiries to rise helpful information and opinions. To connect with their backing, method partners for their approval and tune in to by what means they sense. Operate with a consciousness of human emotions/prospective specific motivation. Recognize that persons don't carry on in a levelheaded, practical, stable or predictable means (Maylor, 2010). A more deliberate method to pact with partner involvement is reinforced. Careful planning and venture of time here has a striking result. Commit liveliness and time to constructing irregular state influences this incites conviction. Find out openings of systems management. Effective partner engagement requires unpretentious abilities, for instance, being understanding. Draw in, communicate, listen specify you provide it an additional thought. Stakeholders can be distributed with as a class of (and additionally a moderation of) risk and openings that have prospects and effects (Patel, 2008). Find the best trade off over a planning of partners' unravelling requirements. Assess the comparative importance of partners to set up a subjective chain of command. Examine the approximation of the venture to the partner. Enquire what their affluence standards are. Look to clear up requirements - view of achievement is affected by whom, what and how? Good extend management is vital to any venture. It's the duty of everybody to keep up a continuous exchange with partners (Paton et al., 2011). The management and influencing the stakeholders are also essential for the purpose of gaining the appropriate attention of the product. It also explains the appropriate structure by showing the explanation of the structure used for the development of the industry. Knowledge Management in complex projects KM strategies The knowledge management forms area accomplishes the general means information can be distributed with; this section handles ordeal information management process. Key speculations represented to the administration's decisions/choices to empower and improve the processes plot prior (e.g. information sharing) and to offer help characterize which learning is applicable (i.e. by key goals) and which is not (Scarborough, 2014). This segment depends on the vital piece of the combined information management display, which includes: Knowledge management key activities: Invest: Support of present structures, skills, information upkeep instruments, culture, outer scheme, and knowledge management outlines Invest: Device changes to constructions, skills, information upkeep devices, culture, outer scheme, and knowledge management frameworks Divest: Eliminate out of date learning The knowledge management strategies are undertaken for the purpose of texting and executing the objectives which are requisite for the purpose of managing the issues faced in the technical arrangements. The improvement of the work is very much essential by showing the mitigation of the issues which are faced by this industry (Stevenson, 2009). Conclusion The overall explanations of the case study of the Concorde is depicted to be provided in the form of the structures which will be showing the appropriate execution of the work and also the usage of the PfL for the explanation of the case study represents the appropriate enhancement of the work as it is explained in this case study. The fruitful representation is being made by displaying the proper construction of the study and also it simply represents the improvement of the project as undertaken in this case (Wang, 2012). The appropriate explanation and the justifications are provided for the usage of the models and the tools with showing the appropriate implementation of the change management processes. The management and the influence of the stakeholders are as explained with the knowledge management strategies. References Anil Kumar, S. and Suresh, N. (2008).Production and operations management. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. Ansoff, H. (2014).Strategic management. [Place of publication not identified]: Palgrave Macmillan. Appannaiah, P. and Reddy, D. (2010).Business Management. Himalaya Publishing House. Campbell, G. (2014).Project management. New York, NY [u.a.]: Alpha. Cooke, H. and Tate, K. (2011).The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course. New York: McGraw-Hill. Heerkens, G. (2015).Project management. [Place of publication not identified]: Mcgraw-Hill Education. Justin, L. (2016).Small Business Management. Cengage Learning. Krajewski, L. and Ritzman, L. (2005).Operations management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Lientz, B. (2011).Information technology project management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Lock, D. (2013).Project management. Farnham: Gower Publishing. Maylor, H. (2010).Project management. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Patel, V. (2008).Project management. Jaipur, India: Oxford Book Co. Paton, S., Clegg, B., Hsuan, J. and Pilkington, A. (2011).Operations management. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Scarborough, N. (2014).Effective small business management. Pearson. Stevenson, W. (2009).Operations management. Boston [u.a.]: McGraw-Hill. Wang, J. (2012).Innovations in information systems for business functionality and operations management. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Electro Magnetic Fields Essays - Electrical Engineering,

Electro Magnetic Fields Electricity is the building block of our society. Now more and more we are becoming dependent on electricity from computers to microwaves, electric power is what keeps our society running. Something that no one thinks about is Electro- Magnetic Fields or (ELF's). While these ELF are being ignored slowly they are becoming a silent but deadly killer in our society. Scene cancer and illness are becoming so common people are slowly coming around about what ELF's are and what if anything can be done to stop or slow down the effects of ELF's on our families and friends. Their maybe only few solutions to stop ELF's infiltration on our society and only one or two alternatives were found to slow the fields so they don't affect our health. " In 1995 leaked a draft report by American Scientific committee conducted that millions of people face an increased risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases from exposure to fields from power lines, power plants and electrical appliances."(Perry 1) With that quote we can see that this isn't a new issue to our society, but yet more people are clueless about the effect of electro- magnetic fields on their health and about the health of their children. The most common reaction of people when warned about ELF's is that " we live far enough from the power lines that it isn't going to affect us." This reaction is so common, but people don't realize that it's not just caused by power lines and power plants it's also inside our homes. The most common things in our homes are secondary causes not the power lines. Items such as microwaves, computer screens, toasters, electric stoves, blenders and cellular telephones. With these things in our homes are becoming so common that everyone has them and it affecting our lives. " In the last 10 years the rate of cancer is becoming the most common cause of death."(Perry 1) Though sunlight's Ultra Violet Rays (UV's) take the top spot for causing cancer ELF's are attributed to 35% to 40% of childhood cancers and 10% to 15% of adult cancer. Electric companies have a common reaction to these instances by denial. As we are becoming more dependant on electricity, power transmissions are entering our lives in greater strength. The power companies solution to the power demands is to increase the amount of high-voltage power lines. The reason for high-voltage lines is "over great distances high-voltage lines must be used in order to minimize losses, but in those losses it's causing an increasing amount of cancers and sickness due to the use of these high-voltage lines."(Plaz 229) This just shows the ignorance of the consumers ant greed of the power companies for not accepting the responsibility of protecting the people. In the sickness mentioned in the previous paragraph, what its called is "electrical sensitivity (ES)." "ES is a form of chronic environmental illness triggered by exposure to ELF's."(Perry 2) The symptoms are common among to days illnesses, but are or could be caused by ELF's. They are "headaches, dizziness, buzzing and nausea."(Perry 2) Everyone suffers from these ailments and if people you know suffer from these things, a look should be taken at their living space especially in children. Common areas that can be blamed is the kitchen due to all the appliances and the bedrooms near power lines or power plants. Though their are measures that can be taken to decrease these illnesses, but people are not informed to ELF's so no measures are taken. Children and pregnane women are the major concern for ELF's. The reason that children are susceptible to ELF's are their immune systems are not fully evolved and therefore their white blood cells are not at full composed. Not having a fully developed immune system leaves them open for the increased risk of cancer and ES. This was proven in a study done by the New York utility industry of power lines. "This a five million dollar project headed by Dr. David Carpenter of SUNY Albany concluded that up to 30% of all childhood cancers may be linked to ELF's"(Safe 1) In pregnane women another study done by independent lab's in the United States and Ontario Canada said that an "increase in cases of SIDS"(Perry 1) and"incidents of adverse reproductive outcomes and birth defects in newborns"(Ontario 1) are associated with high instances of ELF surroundings and in the homes. With all this proof I've found it's hard to imagine that no actions are being taken to reduce and stop

Sunday, November 24, 2019

10 Rules to Remember from Every Annotated Bibliography Book You Come across

10 Rules to Remember from Every Annotated Bibliography Book You Come across Whenever a paper or factual book is written it is essential to provide accurate information regarding the source of all the information used in it. This is usually referred to as an annotated bibliography and it should have a list of books, articles and documents used including the following information: author’s name book name date of publication page number of the quote brief description of the citation and its relevance (about 150 words) The purpose of this is to avoid any claims of plagiarism, allow credit where it is due and to allow readers to assess the validity of the sources quoted. In order to ensure all the relevant information is enclosed you should follow the same rules every time you create an annotated bibliography: When researching and writing be sure to note what sources you are using. There are apps available which can help you to record this information. The best option is to make a note of every citation as you put it into your work. Ideally you could list it in the bibliography as you write it and then sort the bibliography at the end. The essential rule is to make sure you record all the relevant information, without missing any! You should ensure that all works quoted are relevant to your paper and that the sources are reliable. Every annotation should have a concise description: it is best to write it as you include it in your paper. It will justify why it is used and why you are applying it to justify your point. Your annotated bibliography should always be formatted in the same way. The details of your citation should be set out in the same style as your reference list. The annotation description must comprise a summary of the work you are quoting, its focus and purpose; an overview of the theory, the findings and the argument presented by the author; a summary of why you feel this work is useful and relevant to your paper and the credibility of the author. Always put your bibliography in alphabetical order; this should be easy if using a word processor. An annotated bibliography book must still be written in the appropriate academic style and use full sentences, it should also include a good use of transition words such as ‘moreover’ and ‘however’. Never repeat information, i.e. if the title explains the context do not write it again. Never attempt to cross reference citations or text, this will simply confuse and defuse the strength of your argument. It is highly recommended to follow these rules while writing annotated bibliography because these are the basics that professors always pay special attention to. The most important rule to remember is to be careful with the details. Also take into account the citation style you are required to use during writing annotated bibliography and to format your citing properly you can make use of Free Citation Generator. So, be attentive and you’ll get the best grades for your academic writing!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organic Food and Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organic Food and Cancer - Research Paper Example In a region where the climate is relatively constant, and the soil dry and healthy, vegetables play a primary role in the dishes throughout the region. Herbs, fish and dairy serve as complimentary ingredients. And unlike the rest of the world, beef and pork are rare from Mediterranean cuisine because the land cannot support the herds. For many people who want to feel young, healthy and vibrant, shifting to a Mediterranean diet is the perfect way to get these. Moreover, people who wish to prevent cancer can easily do so, thanks to the vitamins and minerals found in Mediterranean dishes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the leading cause of death globally, accounting for 7.6 million deaths in 2008, where lung, breast, colorectal, stomach and prostate cancers were considered as the most common type. It is important to note that countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR, composed of Cyprus, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the Palestine) have the lowest incidence rates of cancer (see table 1 below). This paper argues that this low cancer prevalence is due to the healthy components of the region’s cuisine. ... .int/gho/ncd/mortality_morbidity/cancer_text/en/index.html According to Mazzanti, a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to be healthy and reduce the risk for the most common cancer forms. Meanwhile, Mediterranean diet is composed of fresh produce (which were also produced organically) so it contain essential nutrients that help reduce cardiovascular disease and cancers (Gallus, Bosetti and La Vechhia). Moreover, high intake of vegetables results to decreased prevalence in common epithelial cancers while a high consumption of fruit was associated with a decrease in cancers of the stomach, urinary tract and upper digestive tract. Mediterranean diet is also characterized by the consumption of legumes, cereals and fish; low consumption of cheese and red meat; the use of olive oil as a seasoning (Pelucchi et al.) and the avoidance of alcohol and tobacco (since these are prohibited in Islam, the religion of most of the countries in the EMR) promote a healthier lifestyl e. All these claims are supported by corresponding scientific studies, as discussed in the next part of this paper. In a study done by Carlo La Vecchia it was discovered that beta-carotene, vitamin E and calcium help decrease the risk for breast cancer. Lycopene from tomato intake also lessened the risk for several digestive tract neoplasms. The pomegranate was revealed to have a high antioxidant content which effectively inhibits the growth and spread of breast cancer (Sturgeon and Ronnenberg). The Mediterranean population frequently consumes allium vegetables (defined as those vegetables belonging to the lily family and grow from bulbs, particularly garlic, onion, chives, leeks and shallots) which has a favorable association specifically to stomach and colorectal cancer (Pelucchi et al.;