Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Log Cabin Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Log Cabin Theory - Essay Example The alleged compassion of General Harrison, and the rumored abhorrence of Van Buren for the helpless man, for the modest resident, is the genuine mystery of the incredible and colossal political insurgency of 1840. (Robbins, p. 42) General Harrison, a decided, independent pioneer who rose from humble provincial beginnings, furnished himself through instruction, difficult work or both, with the essential apparatuses for political administration. (Chalmers, p. 149) The attributes above are the sorts that are seen to be remarkably fit to the afflictions of political life in the United States. Somebody who has experienced indistinguishable battles from the Whigs president is seen to have the ability to fight affliction and defeat deterrents undermining the accomplishment of their objectives. The encounters of lawmakers with unassuming beginnings fill in as their arms in engaging all the difficulties of the situation in the administration he will before long experience. (Chalmers, p. 149) After 1840, party associations, strategies, and slants were generally and transparently acknowledged as grounds of political direct. It had by then become troublesome basically to consider political life and dynamic political authority, even reflectively, without reference to the thought process of propelling gathering interests. (Beshady, p. 252) The log lodge battle had started the precedent in the relationship of lawmakers with ideological groups that bolsters them through the procedure of political race from political assemblies and crusades fundamental for the accomplishment of the applicant. Subsequently, the ascent of the log-lodge battle got a huge pattern the presidential political decision in the United States through presidential crusades to such an extent that a presidential competitor with insufficient crusades may lost the track. The Log-Cabin History The time of the extraordinary ride - this is the manner by which one researcher watches the 1840 presidential political decision. The Whigs, albeit joined against the Jacksonians who were the resistance, thought that it was hard to put aside its declared pioneer Henry Clay. He was excessively associated with Whig financial matters in this manner he was seen as a decent Presidential competitor. Harry of the West was at last shunted aside through a convoluted strategy of selection and the Harrisburg show thought of General William Henry Harrison as Presidential up-and-comer. He was the most 'unobjectionable' applicant with the end goal that he doesn't have anything a lot to be discussed. He was significantly progressively unobjectionable because of his application without stage. There were even signs that the Whig applicant doesn't know regarding how the battle will be directed. It was just when an obscure newspaperman recruited to be the supervisor of their battle sheets did the gathe ring know their obligation and their motivation - that is to expel the Democratic Party pioneer Henry Clay from power. (Ward, p. 269) Harrison's possibility of not succeeding the presidential office was awfully self-evident. Nonetheless, the gathering didn't have the foggiest idea what picture to depict in their battle until a critique has been conveyed, for which its beginning is obscure as of recently. Give him a barrel of hard juice and settle a benefits of 2,000 every year upon him, and our assertion for it, he will sit the rest of his days content in a log lodge. (Ward, 269) Rather than taking the issue in a negative point of view, the gathering had turned its theme as the focal of the battle. The log lodge, with its proposal of the confinement, the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Major Environmental Issues In Bhutan Environmental Sciences Essay

The Major Environmental Issues In Bhutan Environmental Sciences Essay Bhutan is growing quickly and has encountered gigantic change with these positive changes, Bhutan face various difficulties among which ecological issues are one of the major. Ecological issue incorporates squander the executives issue, contamination, populace development and deforestation. As a natural understudy, it is critical to know ecological issues and the best approach to handle these issues. In this task, I have referenced the major natural issues and various manners by which these issues can be handled. I might want to demand our instructor to mercifully address me and as are understudy myself, I concede there will be various slip-ups. With extraordinary energy I did task and have taken in a great deal from this task. Some of major ecological issues in Bhutan Squander Management: Although most of Bhutanese individuals are monitoring waste management⠿â ½s as they utilize the waste appropriately by dumping in the pit or in legitimate spots. The fundamental issue of waste administration emerges or took puts in remote spots and particularly in the process of giving birth camps, where waste is tossed imprudently. In this manner there is a need to complete waste administration crusades all the time for various objective gatherings. So as to enable ecological preservation to target explicit issue regions, remote spots and information has been additionally dissected into gewogs savvy. The remote gewogs were having most noteworthy waste administration issues as they are uneducated, ignorant and they never think for their future practical. Squander the board issue was accounted for as most noteworthy by understudies, trailed by ranchers, instructors and voyagers as when explorers are going for visit they toss squander out of the vehicle or tran sports. In this way squander the board outdoors should be composed all the time focusing on transport proprietors and explorers too. On the waste removal practice 88 percent arranged there squander in legitimate spots followed by one individual every who arrange squander in the waterway, woodland and furthermore covered the waste and 9 percent didn't react. Despite the fact that greater part of the objective gatherings appears to dump their loss in the pit however it is additionally a worry that some don't dump their waste inappropriately. in this manner there is have to prepare individuals and teach on legitimate waste administration techniques dependent on the three standards of lessen, reuse and reuse is conceivable and furthermore to isolate squander into degradable and non - biodegradable and train individuals make compost out of degradable or natural waste. Contamination will be tainting of nature by a concoction other specialist, for example, commotion or warmth that is destructive to human wellbeing and endurance. Contaminating synthetic concoctions can influence the earth straightforwardly, for example, from volcanic ejections or through human exercises, for example, consuming coals and gases. Dumping of synthetic into waterway and other sea will likewise prompt contaminating nature contrarily. Contamination can be sorted as water, soil, clamor, warm and atomic contamination. This is all because of momentary monetary increase made by human. So it tends to be explained by charging outside cost high on those products which have high contamination on condition. As indicated by the enumeration of 2003 the number of inhabitants in Bhutan is 6,34,982 and its development rate is 2 percent for each year.(CAPSED,BHSEC XII content) When the populace is developing at a quick rate it will prompt effect on condition as they need more land for development and in any event, for development of houses for endurance. When there is more populace it prompts the utilization of more assets, in any event, for their own advantages and therefore there will be no legitimate feasible creating for future and even destitute individuals they can begin doing angling, assaulting creatures and species for their endurance and it will prompt improvement of a nations economy as though there is more individuals there will be more work power and nation will accomplish all the more exchanging it is exceptionally hurtful to the earth as there is odds of squandering assets and no appropriate economical in the nation. Yet, when a nation is going high on monetary development it w ill help in utilizing the assets and they will utilize high talented work power to use appropriately and think for the future reason. Valuable plant and trees are getting wiped out because of freeing from the timberland. The prerequisite of land for huge open cast undertakings or plans is very huge. A significant number of the backwoods regions, numerous multiple times, are changed over to fields. There for enormous backwoods zones are deforested to clear a path for huge open cast manufacturing plants or ventures. Hence we need to compose a few strategies to save our condition, for example, planting trees in inclined regions, practice of aforestation techniques. Customer is the person who have option to stop overall deforestation. Being a piece of shopper we have option to charge high on those organizations who have high natural impact. By purchasing reused or confirmed wood items, just supporting brands with zero deforestation approaches, and getting others to do likewise by making an impression on organizations to grasp zero deforestation strategies. Such huge numbers of trees are chopped down and consumed in rustic territories. The main motivation to do so is to rehearse transitory farming, for example, Tseri culture or moving development. Those terrains are utilized till its profitability decays. As the gainfully, individuals tends to choose new plot of land and produce a similar strategy. Such agrarian techniques have brought about natural issue. Condition preservation arrangement and methodology of Bhutan Natural protection is certifiably not another idea to Bhutanese. It has consistently been at the focal point of national improvement thinking and arrangement making. Longer than a year government set up a solid preservation strategies and law has developed to guarantee security, the board and maintainable utilization of biodiversity assets. Bhutan preservation approaches and laws are adding to the all-encompassing national advancement target of GNH. This depends on maintainable advancement as one of its four columns. As per the constitution of the realm of Bhutan, which cherishes ecological protection as an established mandate.(Consituation,2008) Sustainable characteristic Resources segment strategy. The RNR segment strategy give significance on accomplishing more noteworthy national food security, saving and overseeing regular assets, upgrading provincial pay, and creating ranch based business openings. Targets: To energize monetary improvement that has regard for long haul maintainable advancement on the countrys assets, relative focal points, and network based self improvement foundations. To seek after parity and fair advancement of the nation inexhaustible normal assets, circulations of advantages among their general public and districts. To be touchy and receptive to the rich culture legacy of the nation and its conservation. Network timberland the board It was presented in the nation during the 1980s. Its principle objective was to improve neighborhood timberland conditions through network the executives Enhancing financial advantages to the nearby networks as far as expanded access to backwoods items, for example, timber, fuel wood, grain and non-wood woodland items. It is liable for all the communities⠿â ½ part, for example, seat individual. Resub which implies answerable for dealing with woods and taking care of the individual whether they are doing hurt on woodland or not. The people group part as well as answerable though the resident of Bhutan to take couldn't care less of our rich condition. Until 2001, there was just a single network backwoods unit, which was built up with the network of Dozam town in Dramatis gewog, Mongar in 1997. Since 2001, an aggregate of 117 network woods units on the whole covering 15,489 ha of backwoods land have been built up the nation over and finally milestone year for the network timberland the board program were in 2008. (UNDP, MOA, DOF, 2009). Natural Protection Act, 2007: Bhutan has a long convention of living in amicability with nature, which is solidly by the goals of the parliament to keep up at least 60% of countrys land under woodland spread in unendingness.( Environmental Protection Act, 2007.)Objectives: This demonstration composes for the most part to accommodate the foundation of a powerful framework to preserve and ensure condition through the National Environment Commission or its replacement, assignment of equipped specialists and constitution of other consultant serious, to freely direct and advance practical improvement in a fair way and furthermore the individuals and government in progression will consider and receive it formative strategies, plans and projects in concordance with the earth standards. (Natural act, 2008) MINES AND MINERALS MANGEMENT ACT, 1995: The mineral administration and mines Act was presented in 1995. Its primary goals are safeguarding, insurance, sitting of ecological gauges and protection of characteristic assets consistent with the arrangement of the Act and other natural enactment as a basic element of mining practice. It is liable for both business firm and government part to rebuilding of zones that are mined is completed in an appropriate way with the target of making supportable and satisfactory condition as affirmed by the national condition commission. In exercise of the forces gave by article 50 of the mines and minerals the board Act of 1995, the service of exchange, industry mines and minerals the executives guidelines 2002. They tracked mining activity including ecological assurance quality norms embraced by the national condition commission. (MINES AND MINERALS MANGEMENT ACT, 1995) Natural CONESRVATION POLICY IN BHUTAN: Bhutans advancement reasoning is most well articulates in the announcement of His Majesty the King Jigme Singye Wangchuk said that, Gross National Happiness is a higher priority than Gross Domestic Product.(Majhi, 2005 p22

Friday, August 21, 2020

Managing of the Voice project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Overseeing of the Voice venture - Essay Example These documents are significant and in this way they ought to be put away utilizing distributed computing, so that in any event, when there is framework disappointment the records will at present be protected (KIMPERLEY, 2010, pp 88) . For the effective execution of the VOICE distributed computing, the capacities that the division plays ought to be separated into littler work units and each work unit ought to be going by somebody who will assume the liability for that gathering. These work units ought to have the full help of the administration with the goal that they work proficiently. For each company’s achievement the workers must be persuaded. This is on the grounds that spurred representatives will in general work to their best of ability. In this way the two organizations should concoct a method of spurring the staff individuals from the organizations if the fruitful usage of VOICE distributed computing is to be accomplished. Furthermore, this will be useful in that these are two distinct gatherings who have been working distinctively and in this way they may have various sentiments undoubtedly. The structure of the organization should be checked by and by the supervisory crew. A similar structure can't be kept up as there is another organization which has been welcomed ready. The staff individuals from the People controlled framework will feel like they are not part of the organization if similar structures are kept set up.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Why is the Gender Wage Gap in America not Closing - 550 Words

Why is the Gender Wage Gap in America not Closing (Essay Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourseDateMaxine Clark and Build-A-BearMaxine Clark founded Workshop Build-A-Bear in 1997. She was a president of Payless Shoe Source Inc. until 1992. As aamp veteran in the retail industry, she already developed an ability to spot emerging selling trends that will profit and suits the desire of the American consumers. Clark was at the age of 47 when she left the company because she was not satisfied. It started when she and her 10-year-old friend Katie Burkhardt shopped a famous bean bag toy Beanie Babies. Sadly, all of the bean bag toys from different stores are sold out and the kid became very disappointed. Clark said that those toys can be easily made so she ran back to her house and get some materials and everything came out to be Workshop Build-A-Bear which became one of the most popular toy stores up until now. Her retailing experience and her lost childhood interests put the concept of creating toys for children into reality.With more than 200 sto res across the United States that time, Build-A-Bear Workshops became one of the well-known stuffed animal store where you can dress and put accessories on them. For Clark and for the company, every new owner should put a heart on every stuffed animal they choose to like how they put a heart in creating the organization. The company went public in 2000 and in 2001 they experienced a 35 percentage growth rate every year. In 2005, Workshops Build-A-Bear receive its franchise also to Denmark, Australia, France, Japan, Korea and the United Kingdom and reached a $27.3 million net income and $358.9 million net retail sales while Clark was inaugurated as a Hall of Fame in the Junior Achievement National Award the same year. It was not that long when she faced one of the greatest challenges being a female business owner. She said that people are not convinced that dealing with stuffed animal cannot hold her position and success for long. But instead of giving up, she proved them wrong. In 2 008, Clark became one of 25 people, who are the most influential in Retailing followed by stepping the company up to be named in so-called Fortune Best Companies to Work For. As a challenged businesswoman, the companys founder claimed that she learned many lessons along the road. She wrote then a book under the name The Bear Necessities of Business, claiming that mistakes make you a better pers...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rethinking Capitalism in Young Economist Students´ Meet (...

I also had this question in mind when I first heard about Young Economist Students’ Meet, in my first year of undergraduate course in the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University. Being associated with YESM for the past two editions and based upon whatever minute economic and logical reasoning and knowledge as well as practical experiences in many situations of life, I have gathered over the years a very certain fact that I have realized, - It is not always by one’s academic superiorities or leadership skills or in the strength of one’s â€Å"contacts†, can one COMPLETELY, make a substantial difference in his/her own life, let alone be of that in a society’s, in a country’s, or for those who think big, - in the world’s welfare. I have†¦show more content†¦Although the economic power maybe in the hold of the top 1% but the voting share poses a considerable threat! 99% of voting rights vest with the â€Å"non-powerful† and only 1% with the â€Å"powerful†. But still for long the 99% have put up with this since they kept on following what has been followed, primarily also because they thought that they would also someday have a chance to do well if they kept on trying harder and harder. But would the chance be given to them? Or does it need to be created? So what is the solution? Many say Socialism, many say Democracy! But which one is optimum? Or what is the right blend and mix of these forms of societies which would make each of our future secure? How far does the â€Å"regulation† of government need to extend? Can we find a restructured and transparent model of the capitalist structure with substantial traces of democracy? YESM 2012 aims to answer that question, discussing the various pros and cons of the capitalist system and urges the students to RETHINK! Rollo May in his book, â€Å"Man’s Search for Himself† writes, - â€Å"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, - its conformity.† 95% people act without actually knowing where they are going, they act like everyone else does! But the basic and the very obvious problem to this

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pardoners in the Middle Ages Essay - 1041 Words

Though told by a self-confessed liar and hypocrite, the tale has a powerful moral and imaginative effect. How far do you agree with this view of the text? Chaucer’s pardoner is an enigmatic, paradoxical figure, both intriguing yet repulsive. From the very beginning of his Prologue the Pardoner makes no attempts to hide his â€Å"ypocrise,† instead taking a perverse pleasure in the extent of his corruption. As seen in the portrait of the Monk in The General Prologue, Chaucer allows the Pardoner to condemn himself. He purposely reveals his methods of extracting money from† the povereste widwe in a village† his contempt for his usual audience of â€Å"lewed peple† and complete disregard for the doctrines of the Church. The Pardoner’s†¦show more content†¦Of course, we have to bear in mind that while the pilgrims hear the Pardoner’s rhetorical skills we hear Chaucer’s skill as a poet. In his digression the Pardoner melodramatically denounces a number of sins, making extensive use of rhetorical devices such as hyperbole, anaphora and apostrophe: â€Å" O glotonye, ful of cursednesse! O cause first of oure confusioun! O original of oure dampnacioun.† He seems to use these to involve and unnerve his audience and effectively keep all eyes on him. He alludes to both the Bible and classical mythology, citing Biblical prophets, historical figures and philosophers. In contrast the tale itself is relatively plainly told and we can safely assume that the Pardoner is well practiced in the art of telling this specific tale and even inserts some of his sermon into it. His sermon is based on several medieval conventions, such as that of the mysterious old man, whom Dr. McIntyre identifies as a â€Å"representation of the immanence and inescapability of death,† something which would have struck a chord with a medieval audience suffering from the onslaught of the Black Death. The tale is an example of a very well defined genre with its own conventions and devices; nevertheless the pardoner makes it his own through his own use of rhetorical flourishes and poetic detail. HeShow MoreRelatedThe Pardoners Prologue And Tale By Chaucer Essay1425 Words   |  6 Pagespeople for financial gain, which was relevant in society during the Middle Ages. In Chaucer’s story, the Pardoner uses his influence and tells a tale of three men to convince the people to pay for him to pardon their sins. Chaucer’s tale and story is often used to emphasize the moral values in our society. There are many points in the tale that are based on the theme of greed being the cause of all evil in humanity, and the Middle Ages was a period of great societal change in Europe. â€Å"The Pardoner’sRead MoreChaucer s The Canterbury Tales1064 Words   |  5 PagesGeoffrey Chaucer, The Author of the Canterbury Tales, is known as the Father of English Literature and is one of the greatest English Poets of the Middle Ages. Chaucer was a soldier, a diplomat, a civil servant, and a courtier, enabling him to experience different aspects of each social ranking, which he demonstrated through his poetry. The Canterbury Tales, his most famous work, is a collection of short stories within a frame story, making for an interesting and memorable narrative about 29 pilgrimsRead More Canterbury Tales Essay - Sexuality in The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner1711 Words   |  7 Pagesand the Pardoner In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, an eclectic mix of people gathers together at Tabard Inn to begin a pilgrimage to Canterbury. In the General Prologue, the readers are introduced to each of these characters. Among the pilgrims are the provocative Wife of Bath and the meek Pardoner. These two characters both demonstrate sexuality, in very different ways. Chaucer uses the Wife and the Pardoner to examine sexuality in the medieval period. The Middle Ages were a timeRead MoreEssay on Geoffrey Chaucer1158 Words   |  5 Pagespromotes her view that women wish to have authority over men. The Pardoner: An effeminate and shamelessly immoral man, the Pardoner is intensely self-loathing yet devoted to his task of defrauding people of their money by making them believe that they have sinned and need to buy pardons. His tale is an allegory about three rioters who find death through their avarice. The Pardoner uses this tale as an attempt to sell false relics to the travelers. The Miller:Read MoreCanterbury Tales Character Analysis1334 Words   |  6 Pagesmanipulative, with a few clergy who are honest and genuine in their exertion. Therefore, the ecclesiastical persona has the dispositions of either being con-men and charlatans or being devout and God-fearing. The other characters portray the themes of the middle ages of greed, prestigious, fraud, barbarity, vengeance and others. This novel consists of stories that illustrate rank and nobility and how sin is involved in these aspects of the social order. Each tale portrays their own interpretation of gender equalityRead MoreThe Pardoners Tale By Chaucer Theme Analysis1533 Words   |  7 Pagesmany themes can be found in these tales. Among the various pilgrims featured in the Canterbury Tales, the Pardoner is one of the most fully described characters. Chaucer goes into great detail describing the Pardoner. The Pardoner is a fraudulent huckster who shows who does not care about passing off f alse items as the relics of saints. He also sells indulgences in exchange for money. The Pardoner shifts from moments of direct honesty to shameless deceit, openly admitting the tricks of his trade toRead MoreGeoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales867 Words   |  4 Pagesthese characters have a convincing or questionable personality. Chaucer first sets the mood by providing an overall idea of each character before they tell their stories. The physical and personal descriptions of the Miller, the Wife of Bath and the Pardoner are some characters criticized by the other pilgrims. One physical and personal profile that is criticized is that of the Miller. He is mostly described in a physical manner,â€Å"  The  Miller  was a strong man I own;/ A stout fellow, big in brawn andRead More The Moral Implications of The Pardoner?s Tale and The Nun?s Priest?s T810 Words   |  4 Pages During the Middle Ages, England was a nation in social chaos. Deception of every kind was rampart throughout the lands. Many people felt that there was a great need for moral improvement in society. In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales he clearly brings to light his thoughts and concerns of â€Å"ethical cleansing.† No tale more fully expresses this idea than that of â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale† and â€Å"The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.† â€Å"The Pardoner’s Tale† suggests a profile of the Pardoner as a moral man, aRead More Canterbury Tales Essay646 Words   |  3 PagesMueller 2 Chaucer explains that he breaks the written laws and precedents set by people recognized as Saints and highly acclaimed people. The Monk is a lazy, disgusting man who lived a dishonest and imprudent life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Pardoner and Summoner appear together in amp;#8220;The Prologue.; They further illustrate an example of Chauceramp;#8217;s awareness of a defiled Church. Chaucer provides humor to his description of the Summoner in that amp;#8220;heamp;#8217;d allowRead MoreCriticism of the Church in the Canterbury Tales1576 Words   |  7 PagesThe Canterbury Tales, a collection of tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, was written in Middle English at the end of the 14th century (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011). It is considered to be the best work of literature in English in the Middle Ages (Johnston, 1998). Chaucer uses literary devices as no one had ever done. In addition, he chose to use English instead of Latin. This masterpiece is structured in a similar way as Bocaccios Decameron. The tales are organized within a frame narrative (Encyclopaedia

Autism Essay Introduction Example For Students

Autism Essay Introduction Autism Research PaperAutism is a neurological disorder that was identified by Dr. Leo Kanner 50 years ago. Autism can affect someone very mildly or severally and it can effect language, communication, and/or gross motor skills. It is the most devastating disorder a child could have and it also is devastating for the family. There is no medicine and no cure for autism but there are glutton free diets that help. People with autism can look normal but they lack communication skills and are withdrawn within there own world. Many people with autism usually have rituals or they do the same thing constantly which makes them need constant supervision from their parents or state agencies. Children with autism usually dont ever use creative or imaginative play. They also need to be taught everything that they know. There is an estimated 400,000 autistic people in the U.S. from any ethnic or racial background. The social, emotional, and financial costs of autism to the family and to state or federal agencies is very high. Autism affects its victims in a wide variety of ways. Some do well in special supportive environments, other are completely independent and function fairly well, and still others may never learn to talk or be able to work or live independently. It is common for an autistic person to avoid being touched because of a strong sense of touch. A light touch to most people may hurt an autistic person. Yet some autistic people are insensitive to pain and wont notice injuries. Hearing can -2-also be strong so that a noise that would not bother your ears, may hurt an autistic persons ears. Autistic peoples vision can also be affected. They have trouble recognizing people. They can also have their eyes hurt by a bright light. I have worked 4 years in the autistic group in scamp which is a camp for special kids and I have noticed autistic people will often do strange things, like flapping their hands in front of their eyes, humming, spinning in circles, rocking back and forth, or repeating things. They do these things just for fun, or because they are excited or distressed. Talking to oneself or giggling for no reason is often the result of daydreaming or remembering. Autism isnt just one disease but a category of diferent syndromes. Three of the most definable syndromes are Retts, Aspergers, and Landua-Kleffner. Retts syndrome is only found in females and most are retarded. This syndrome develops between the ages of six months to eighteen months. Retts begins with a normal state of development, then the victim stop progressing in skills such as speech, hand movements, and social skills, along with other signs of central nervous system dysfunction. Females with Retts are most prone to having seizures. Aspergers syndrome is found in both males and females. After the first few years of life, victims will lose everything they have learned, but will eventually progress again. People with Aspergers appear to have more verbal and recognition skills. They -3-also sometimes show strong interest in subway, bus, and train schedules and maps. Landua-Kleffner syndrome is also found in males and females. Victims with this disorder appear normal until between the ages of three to seven. They lose the ability to talk and show great social withdrawal. People with autism usually never marry but people with a mild case could possibly marry and have children. Many autistic people receive help from family and relatives. In an autistic persons life, all he/she needs is love and understanding. Although they may seem dumb, many are very bright. Many have a higher IQ then what is usual. Autism can be a devastating disorder but to the affected individual, it is his/her normal world. .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .postImageUrl , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:hover , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:visited , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:active { border:0!important; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:active , .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7d9aabe094a8813eb19a4ea9930e2cbf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Integration by Parts EssayWords/ Pages : 650 / 24