Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rethinking Capitalism in Young Economist Students´ Meet (...

I also had this question in mind when I first heard about Young Economist Students’ Meet, in my first year of undergraduate course in the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University. Being associated with YESM for the past two editions and based upon whatever minute economic and logical reasoning and knowledge as well as practical experiences in many situations of life, I have gathered over the years a very certain fact that I have realized, - It is not always by one’s academic superiorities or leadership skills or in the strength of one’s â€Å"contacts†, can one COMPLETELY, make a substantial difference in his/her own life, let alone be of that in a society’s, in a country’s, or for those who think big, - in the world’s welfare. I have†¦show more content†¦Although the economic power maybe in the hold of the top 1% but the voting share poses a considerable threat! 99% of voting rights vest with the â€Å"non-powerful† and only 1% with the â€Å"powerful†. But still for long the 99% have put up with this since they kept on following what has been followed, primarily also because they thought that they would also someday have a chance to do well if they kept on trying harder and harder. But would the chance be given to them? Or does it need to be created? So what is the solution? Many say Socialism, many say Democracy! But which one is optimum? Or what is the right blend and mix of these forms of societies which would make each of our future secure? How far does the â€Å"regulation† of government need to extend? Can we find a restructured and transparent model of the capitalist structure with substantial traces of democracy? YESM 2012 aims to answer that question, discussing the various pros and cons of the capitalist system and urges the students to RETHINK! Rollo May in his book, â€Å"Man’s Search for Himself† writes, - â€Å"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, - its conformity.† 95% people act without actually knowing where they are going, they act like everyone else does! But the basic and the very obvious problem to this

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